20 Fun Ways of Teaching Fruits and Vegetables to Preschoolers

20 Fun Ways of Teaching Fruits and Vegetables to Preschoolers

Fruits and vegetables are essential to a child’s growth. That said, parents must teach their children about different fruits and vegetables so that they can start appreciating these wonderful things at an early age. We all know that kids tend to get fussy about eating fruits, especially vegetables. This makes it more important to encourage…

20 Essential Social Development Activities for Preschoolers

20 Essential Social Development Activities for Preschoolers

Social skills are critical to a child’s well-being at school and beyond. When children lack an understanding of how their behavior impacts others, it can affect their ability to interact positively with their peers. Social skills such as honesty and cooperation are essential to a child’s development. Social development activities for preschoolers and toddlers are…

20 Creative Popsicle Stick Letter Activities

20 Creative Popsicle Stick Letter Activities

One way to get children interested in learning their ABCs is through setting simple, engaging, and fun activities. There are fun ways to learn using easy-to-find materials readily available – such as popsicle sticks! We have listed fun and simple activities that support letter learning and identification for young learners using popsicle sticks below. Let’s…